Avoid Company Crisis with Command Center

Command Center Provider

Penulis : Administrator - Sunday, 10 July 2022
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi – Command Center. Shutterstock
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi – Command Center. Shutterstock

"To help your companies or institutions deal with crisis management or business continuity management, Ivosights comes with digital command center services"

JAKARTA - In business, competition is inevitable. With competitors, companies will compete in creating new, creative and innovative ideas for their products. However, it’s not uncommon for many companies to experience a crisis because they are unable to face competition. That’s why, command centers are needed by companies or institutions to deal with crisis management or business continuity management.

In literal terms, a command center is a place or location to provide command, coordination, and decision-making in support of a response to a significant event. The function is to monitor and control all actions towards a crisis faced by the company.

That is the reason why command centers are important for companies or institutions. Companies or institutions can prevent any crises that will occur, both emergency response, action plans for maintenance, procurement steps, and steps for providing public information.

Read More: Pengertian dan Fungsi Command Center

According to emirul.staff.gunadarma.ac.id, command centers themselves have various types. Here are four types of command centers that you need to know:

  1. Data center management. Provides central management and operation control for business-essential computer systems, usually in the form of a data center and has a dedicated room with various powerful computer devices.
  2. Business application management. Ensures that applications that are very important to customers and business networks are always available with the specified design.
  3. Civil Management. Organizes the central management and control of civil operations functions.
  4. Emergency (crisis) management. Deals directly with people, resources, information, and controlling events to prevent a crisis.

To help companies or institutions deal with crisis management or business continuity management, Ivosights comes with digital command center services. For more information visit our official website at www.ivosights.com or contact our team.



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