Get a pretty and unique formats number to help your customer recall of your company's call center
Premium Number is a service used for contact centers, customer service, or any other consumer services in communication and promotions in order to build a brand image and better service. Premium numbers are widely used for inbound call / outbound call services, consultations, voting, or special information that can be accessed via telephone call

Allow free-of-charge rate for your callers using out Free Call Services and easy to remember number using an Intelligent Numbering based Access Number in format (0800-1-XXXXXX). All call fees are charged to subscribers.

Special Number for public services. A special 3-Digit (1XY) number primarily assigned to public service organizations as a single number identification for incoming calls. The allocation of numbering for this service is regulated by the Government of Indonesia.

Unique single number identity for incoming calls using a short and easy to remember number, using Intelligent Numbering based Access Number (140XY, 150XYZ, 1500XYZ). The allocation of numbering for this service is regulated by the Government of Indonesia.

Charge a call bill that is shared between callers & subscribers. Using our Split Charging Services, Intelligent Numbering based Access Number (0804-1-XXXXXX) with a choice of business schemes that can be tailored to your needs.

Charge your callers with local call rates using our Uni-Call Service, easy to remember number using Intelligent Numbering based Access Number with format (0807-1-XXXXXX). The remaining bill is charged to the customer.