Get to know Campaign: Definition, Benefits and Functions!


Penulis : Administrator - Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi - Marketing campaign. Istock.
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi - Marketing campaign. Istock.

"Campaigns are one of the things you cant skip for a marketing strategy"

Every day, millions of businesses compete for customer attention. It is a challenge to compress the messages found in both digital and traditional media spaces. By communicating regularly with its target audience, a business can increase its visibility. This communication is mainly achieved through marketing campaigns.

What is a Campaign?

A campaign is a strategic set of activities that promote a business goal or objective. Marketing campaigns can be used to promote a product, service or brand as a whole. To achieve the most effective results, marketing campaigns are carefully planned and their activities are variable. Marketing campaigns use different channels, platforms, and media to maximize impact.

A business can run campaigns that utilize newspapers, social media, online ads, emails, live demos, and more. Each campaign will be unique depending on its intended purpose. However, the message and tone of any campaign will be closely tied to the brand tone of the business. An increase in marketing agencies has recently claimed that some businesses sometimes outsource aspects of their marketing campaigns.

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Campaign Benefits

Are you a business owner looking to grow your business? There's a high chance that you've forgotten the importance of effective marketing. Without a great marketing strategy, you could see yourself facing many huge challenges when trying to grow.

#1 Choose the right strategy

When you brand and increase your visibility to different audiences, you will gain a competitive advantage against your competitors. If you have a great marketing strategy, then you can attract more sales and customers.

#2 Create engaging marketing

The main reason why business owners market their business is to attract more sales. More sales lead to more profits and more growth for the business. Sales growth means you can have money to grow and expand your business.

#3 Good reputation, good marketing 

You also need to make sure that you are improving the reputation of your business. Great marketing helps customers build their trust in you, and trust is essential to ensure that you can have a positive and transparent reputation through customer engagement.

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#4 Building a reputation will increase engagement

You should also ensure that you have been able to build a great reputation among your audience. Data and metrics can empower you to learn more about your target customers, and this is the kind of data you can collect from good marketing to ensure that you can learn about your audience.

#5 Increase product knowledge

With effective campaigns, you can also build an understanding of what works for your business. Metrics can help you evaluate what's successful and what's not.

Your marketing campaign strategy will evolve over time. As you learn more about what is working and what is not, you will build a deeper understanding of the market. Building great personas can help you create the best positioning to understand your customers.

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Campaign Functions

#1 Research

The marketing division under research is mainly concerned with actual and potential buyers. It determines why and when buyers buy products or are not interested in buying products; how and where the market for products can be spent and at what cost. Time limits for expanding the market, and possible fluctuations in demand and supply-these should also be considered. The size of the market, its potential, trends and profitability should be determined. The department should examine the effectiveness of various marketing issues and should consider the effects of competition in the line.

#2 Product

The second function is the task of developing new products. In this connection, the marketing department must pay attention to existing products. If an existing product is not in interest, it should be created within it. Even if it comes to the conclusion that an existing product has become obsolete or useless, the decision to drop it from the market can also be taken, and a new product can be introduced completely.

Questions of identification and appearance must be determined to ensure that product sales are on the profitable side. In addition, the marketing division should consider pricing and discounts that may be given to customers. This should be done periodically, depending on product requests and competition.

The conditions of sale and allowances should also be determined from time to time. Besides all these, packaging, warranties, and service policies are some other issues that require the attention of the marketing department.

#3 Distribution

This is the third important function that deals with budgeting sales, expenses and profits. To determine these things, the advantages and disadvantages of direct vs. indirect sales must be taken into account. Since it mainly deals with product distribution, details about the type, number, size and location of distributors or dealers must be determined before the product will be placed in the market.

Product distribution further involves contracts and agreements with dealers; and these must be carried out carefully. The department should also assist and guide the resellers in the distribution of the products. Last, but not the least, the marketing department must ensure that the products manufactured by the company are properly stored in appropriate warehouses and disposed of through proper modes of transportation.

#4 Management

The next responsibility of the marketing department is to determine the form or organization-whether it should be a sole trading concern, or a partnership firm, or a joint stock company. After determining the nature of the organization, attention must be focused on staffing the department. Recruitment, terms of service, assignment of duties and responsibilities-these are some of the issues that will attract management attention.

Since business companies are dynamic, all changes and changes in customer tastes must be considered, and the necessary changes in production techniques must be introduced. These changes in production techniques demand immediate changes in factory and machinery and the need to train personnel accordingly.

All actions related to business expansion, reorganization, compensation, direction and control must be carried out in accordance with the demands of the time to ensure that products are sold on a large scale and benefit both producers and consumers.

#5 Promotion

Under this function, the marketing department aims to promote product sales. This goal can be achieved appropriately if marketing executives are well trained in their respective disciplines. However, in this case, the advertising department plays an important role.

Thus, it is the moral duty of the marketing department to work closely with various advertising agencies and evaluate the campaigns that should be carried out. Displays, catalogs, posters, etc., should be studied from the point of view of sales promotion. The department should conduct extensive publicity and, if necessary, special promotional measures, such as exhibitions, shows, conferences, etc., may be adopted.


Campaigns are one of the things that should be considered. Because with a strategic marketing campaign, you can control and further explore the wants and needs of the audience. Ivosights is a solution for those of you who want to channel marketing campaigns well. With the tools from Ivosights, it can certainly help.


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