Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Definition and How to Create Them


Penulis : Administrator - Friday, 02 September 2022
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi - Key performance indicator. Shutterstock
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi - Key performance indicator. Shutterstock

"A key performance indicator (KPI) is a metric used to assess whether an action is aligned with the desired outcome."

Every business, regardless of size, must have a clearly defined objective. The company has an overall objective to achieve, and each division must also set specific targets.

To ensure that the actions taken are aligned with the existing goals, a company/business requires KPI. A KPI, or key performance indicator, is a key metric used to assess whether an action is aligned with the desired outcome.

In business, it is essential to ascertain whether the decisions and actions taken are aligned with the established goals. KPI are an effective means of determining this. This article will define key performance indicators (KPI), outline their benefits, and provide guidance on how to create them. We have provided a definition at the outset, and will subsequently address the advantages and best practices for its implementation. We encourage you to read on for more information.

The Benefits of KPI

Once the definition of KPIs has been established, it is essential to understand the benefits of implementing them in a business context. In essence, KPI are a valuable tool for measuring business performance and facilitating informed decision-making. The following section outlines the benefits that can be derived from the use of KPI. Some of the benefits are as follows:

#1 Performance Measurement

How do we ascertain the relevance of our current activities to the desired outcomes? One method for achieving this is through the use of key performance indicators (KPI). KPI assist in gauging the success of a project or objective. From the company's overall objective to the specific project within a division, KPI provide a framework for measuring success.

When a business determines that its current actions are aligned with its strategic objectives, it can be confident that it is on the right track. Conversely, if the predetermined KPI targets are not met, a new adjustment may be required.

#2 Provides an Overview of Your Business

It is essential that each division determines its own KPI. All teams, including sales, marketing, IT, HR, and finance, must have targets and measurement tools in place. The second function of KPI is to provide an overview of the performance of each division. Has the target been met? This allows for the evaluation of each division and the provision of information and assistance in the form of material for decision-making.

#3 Making Adjustments

KPIs are also useful for making adjustments. For instance, if your objective is to grow your Instagram followers by 3,000 organically within a month but you fail to reach this target, it may indicate an issue with the KPI determination process or your strategy. This can be a useful evaluation tool. Should the strategy be revised or continued with the current approach?

#4 Increase Accountability

Accountability is a key factor in making sound business decisions. In the event that the actions taken do not achieve the desired outcome, it is essential to acknowledge this and conduct a review. Accountability is also essential for ensuring the effectiveness of individual work and the overall performance of teams within the division. In other words, monitoring KPIs allows individuals to identify which aspects of their work are meeting expectations and which are not.

Read More: Cara Menentukan KPI Telemarketing Perusahaan

How to Make KPI

As previously discussed, KPI offer a number of advantages. These include measuring progress, providing an overview of the business, facilitating decision-making, and enhancing accountability. We will now proceed to discuss the creation of a good KPI. The following steps will guide you through the process.

#1 Goals

A business process may have multiple objectives. It is therefore essential to identify the objective before determining the KPI. Determine the objective of the process. This could be a target within a division or a company-wide business goal. To illustrate, in the field of marketing, a goal might be to increase organic traffic to a website or to enhance brand awareness.

#2 Adjust with Overall Goal

KPI that are not relevant to the overall goal are useless KPI. Determine first what you want to achieve when running a business. After that, determine the smaller goals, along with the KPI. That is the second step of creating KPI.

#3 Create with SMART Methods

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Please create KPIs using this format. Some examples of SMART KPI include increasing Instagram followers by 1,000 organically within one month or increasing sales of brand A shoes by 20% over three months.

The following are examples of KPIs that utilize the SMART method: This SMART method can be applied to business targets. This concludes the definition, benefits, and instructions for creating KPI. The following section will present examples of KPI. KPI are an essential tool for measuring the progress of business projects and goals. It is our hope that this information proves useful to you.


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