Ripple10 Features That Help Monitor Brands and Competition in the Digital World

Sentimen Analysis

You can find positive, negative and neutral sentiments about any brand, competition or keyword you want. Ripple10 will categorize all netizen conversations automatically with the support of manual correction by admin for updating data.

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Maintaining Brand Reputation
Find negative sentiments that have the potential to cause a digital crisis. save your brand by mitigating negative issues immediately
Obtaining Valuable Insights
Learn about customers' opinions of your brand. Understand their needs, complaints, and issues regarding the brand. Adjust your offerings to meet their needs.
Improve Customer Interaction Service
Engage in direct interactions with customer comments. Enjoy the convenience, Ripple10 is integrated with Sociomile, the most complete contact center system!

Competitive Analysis

Find out the activities and sentiments of netizens against competitors, compare the results! Look for opportunities to improve strategies or other unique things to win the competition. Map out the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and prevent competitive threats from entering your business.

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Audience Analysis

Find the digital accounts that talk about you the most and learn about them with the Sociograph Author tool.

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Find out the spread of an issue
Find out where the issue came from and study the flow of its spread in detail.
Find Influential Accounts
Discover the most influential digital accounts in a conversation.

Digital Heath Index

Score calculation of the overall sentiment of netizens towards the brand to find out how healthy your brand is in the digital world. The more positive sentiment, the healthier your brand! Vice versa, if the negative sentiment about your brand is increasing, it's a sign that your brand needs to improve its positive image.

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Buzzer Tracking & Monitoring

Monitor the performance of the buzzer / KOL services that you use in a campaign. We provide various metrics to assess whether the buzzer / KOL you are using is meeting the desired target.

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Early Alert Notification

Know the potential for a digital crisis early on. We will send alert notifications if there is a spike in negative conversations about your brand directly via email or SMS.

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Average Daily Mention
& Buzz Geo Distribution

A feature to find out when your brand is often discussed and where the conversation is spread.

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Prime Time Posting
Adjust the time of your post so that the distribution of information is more widespread.
Personalize Messages
Personalize messages based on location for maximum engagement.

Sociograph Keyword

Know the keywords that are most relevant to your brand. You can also sort the keywords that are often used by netizens to represent your brand.

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Infographic Data Report

Data visualization with an easy-to-understand infographic display. You can also download it anytime and anywhere.

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Sociograph Author

Know which accounts are talking about you in the digital world, easily learn about the spread of the issue and know who is helping to spread it.

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Sociomile CRM System Integration

Respond directly to netizens conversations about your brand. Ripple10 will capture netizens conversations and convert them into a ticket on Sociomile's CRM system, so agents can respond immediately.

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Maintain Reputation and Stay Ahead of the Competition with Ripple10 Digital Conversation Monitoring Platform

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Ripple10 Command Center
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