Facing Crisis with Business Continuity Planning

BPO Contact Center

Penulis : Administrator - Monday, 19 September 2022
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi - Business continuity planning. Shutterstock.
Ket. foto: Ilustrasi - Business continuity planning. Shutterstock.

"To deal with crises and ensure business continuity, meticulous planning is essential. This planning is commonly referred to as Business Continuity Planning (BCP)."

A crisis can strike a business at any time, and the duration of such an event is uncertain. Therefore, comprehensive planning is required to ensure that the business continues to operate smoothly. However, BCP is often not a top priority as it involves additional costs and time for implementation.

Understanding Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity Planning involves preparing and creating a work plan to anticipate a company's condition during a crisis. This service is designed as a preventive measure to ensure that business processes remain unhindered even in the face of a disaster. It aims to prevent any disruptions to business operations.

Objectives of Business Continuity Planning

The primary objectives of Business Continuity Planning are to keep the business running smoothly despite disruptions and to safeguard information systems from further crisis impacts. In other words, this service aims to minimize the effects of disruptions on operations, reduce the risk of losses, and enhance the company's ability to recover as swiftly as possible. Based on these objectives, BCP can help minimize costs related to disruptions and reduce associated risks.

Phases of Business Continuity Planning

Planning enables a company to minimize or reduce threats, respond to events, recover from direct event impacts, and restore operations to their original state. In BCP, these four aspects (Reduce, Respond, Recover, and Restore) are often referred to as the 4Rs. According to the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), there are four phases in the BCP process:

  • Scope Definition and Planning

During this phase, all elements required during a crisis are planned, including crisis management responsibilities, crisis budgets, critical areas requiring protection (such as LAN, WAN, and other servers), and more.

  • Business Impact Assessment (BIA) Definition

BIA aims to help business units understand the impact of a disaster and is conducted before creating a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). This phase includes risk analysis and determining the company's potential loss and risk analysis in both quantitative (monetary value) and qualitative (operational) forms.

  • Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Development

This phase is related to emergency preparedness, including plan implementation, testing plans, and maintaining the executed plans. It determines alternative business recovery operation strategies for business recovery within specified timeframes.

  • Plan Approval and Implementation

This phase involves testing BCP, training, and socializing the plan among all employees. It concludes with an evaluation and improvement process, followed by obtaining final approval from management.

Benefits of Business Continuity Planning

Several benefits can be realized when a company implements Business Continuity Planning:

  • Protecting company assets.
  • Enhancing organizational reputation.
  • Improving organizational resilience.
  • Safeguarding the achievement of organizational goals.
  • Contributing to sustainable improvements within the organization.

Business Continuity Planning Services

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) can expedite the implementation of Business Continuity Planning processes:

  • Information Availability

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) are fundamental security models that must be applied to information security policies within a company. BCP is a means to ensure that one of these models is implemented to cope with disasters.

  • Customer Experience Continuity

Contact centers are part of BPO services that deliver crucial information to customers through various inbound and outbound channels. The availability of these services ensures continuous customer service and maximizes the customer experience.


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